24 August 2011

A Guide to Basic Visual Composition: The Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds says that when you divide the image horizontally by thirds

horizontal rule of thirds

and vertically by thirds

vertical rule of thirds

you should place elements on or near the lines or intersecting points.

intersect rule of thirds

For example, if you have a horizon line, it should be placed on or around one of the lines located at a third of the image.


I made a quick example of a cliché sunset to demonstrate the use of the lower horizontal line:

sunset sunrise horizontal rule of thirds

sunset sunrise horizontal rule of thirds

Another quick image of a Martial landscape:

mars martial landscape dust storm rule of thirds

mars martial landscape dust storm rule of thirds

The Alice image in the previous section is also a good example of the Rule of Thirds:

alice though the looking-glass scepter frog rule of thirds

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